How to get superior oil palm seeds

Superior seed seeded oil palm (PPKS Yangambi)

Oil palm is a plantation plant that is excellent in Indonesia, especially for oil palm producing centers such as on the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan. Indonesia itself is the largest country in the world, based on data from the Directorate General of Plantations at the Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesia's oil palm plantation area in 2016 is estimated to reach 11.67 hectares (ha). This amount consists of smallholder plantations covering an area of ​​4.76 million hectares, private plantations of 6.15 million hectares, and state plantations of 756 thousand hectares.
And, now farmers, especially in my area, West Kalimantan are aggressively cultivating oil palm, and of course need palm oil seeds. Most people say that all oil palm seedlings are the same, the most important is good care, so the results are good, and there are still many who believe it, so that the oil palm they plant is a seed of origin, aka abal. There are those that are extracted from the bottom of the stem which have flourished because the brondol is not extracted, some are bought from grocery stores (aka fake seed traders) which are usually packaged like the original, sold per sample, per box per 250 seeds, there are 650 thousand, 250 thousand, and even millions because of outsmarting buyers and on behalf of native seeds. And that is one of the factors that causes the productivity of our palm oil to be low even though the area is large.
To boost the productivity of our oil palm, and certainly improve the palm oil yields that we plant we must use superior seeds that have been tested. In 2018, the government through the ministry of agriculture is also promoting farmers to use superior seeds, both for replanting and new planting.
Well, what's the difference between superior seeds and seeds that are not superior?
Superior seeds are obtained through crossing between Dura oil palm and Psifera through special treatment so that the best tenera (dxp) seeds are produced and have gone through various types of testing. The selected parent has been tested and selected the best of the good and has been proven for years. Whereas non-superior seeds are seeds taken from loose fruit or oil palm FFB directly from the brood without crossing, so the results cannot be ascertained to be good or not good.
How do you get superior seeds?
We can actually make our own superior seeds of oil palm, but it takes a lot of time and money, and has to wait years to prove that the seeds we produce are truly superior. But now we can get superior seeds easily, namely by buying from superior seed producers who have been tested and recognized by the government. We can order via WhatsApp or phone, and now the requirements are very easy.
The following are superior seed providers in Indonesia
  1. Medan Palm Oil Research Center (PPKS)
  2. Socfindo
  3. London Sumatra (Lonsum)
  4. Palm Oil Development Makmur (Sampoerna Agro)
  5. Dami Mas (Sinar Mas Agro Resources and Technology)
  6. Tunggal Yunus Estate (Asian Agri Group)
  7. Southern Tania (Wilmar International)
  8. Bakti Tani Nusantara
  9. Sarana Inti Pratama (Salim Group)
  10. Target of Mekarsari (Mekarsari) Execution.
Well for the West Kalimantan region if you want to buy seeds from PPKs you can order directly through phone number or whatsupp on the official website of PPKS here at the sub parindu PPKS .
Let's be a smart and advanced farmer, for our common prosperity.
