Term in Oil Palm Plantation

2 years Palm Oil Plant

Afdeling: The smallest unit of plantation company management; consists of several blocks per plant. In oil palm plantations there is an area of ​​one between 750-1000Ha.
Aerosol: A liquid pesticide
Agribusiness: A business activity that is based on cultivation and management of agricultural products broadly such as annual agriculture, plantations, livestock, fisheries and others both narrow and broad scale.
Agronomy: Agros = field of production (field); Nomos: Management, the field of study of land management to be able to produce optimally and sustainably, through the objects of plants, animals, land, water, climate, equipment and humans themselves as the subject.
Wastewater clarification: Waste water from oil refining processes (PKS Clarification station)
Water Condensate (condensat water): waste water that comes out from the bottom of the sterilizer vessel.
Condensate water decoction: water that comes out of the boiling vessel
Water core separation: water from the core and shell separation process.
Oil purifier: An instrument for separating dirt from oil by centrifugation
ALB (Free Fatty Acids): also called FFA (free fatty acid), ALB is an acid that is released on the hydrolysis of fat. The maximum ALB content of CPO is 5%, the higher the ALB, the lower the quality of palm oil.
Raw Materials: Raw materials used in the production process that can be easily and directly identified with finished goods produced. The raw material for producing CPO and kernel is FFB.
Claybath is a kernel and shell separator using a solution of clay with a specific gravity of 1.13 as a medium.
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD): biochemical oxygen demand; oxygen needed (in ppm) by bacteria or other microorganisms to oxidize organic matter contained in water samples, such as in water contaminated with waste.
bleachability: a measure of the ability of palm oil to be discolored. Low oil oxidation levels are easier to blanch.
Brondolan: ripe fruit released from oil palm bunches
Shell, the outer part of the seed is solid and hard
centrifugal: spin pressure or circular motion away from the center
centripetal: the pressure of a round or a circular motion towards the center
Conveyor: a device used to move material in a horizontal direction (horizzontal conveyor).
Decanter: a tool for separating sludge from oily liquid. This tool consists of two types, namely two phases and three phases

to be continued….
