How to get superior oil palm seeds
Superior seed seeded oil palm (PPKS Yangambi) Oil palm is a plantation plant that is excellent in Indonesia, especially for oil palm producing centers such as on the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan. Indonesia itself is the largest country in the world, based on data from the Directorate General of Plantations at the Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesia's oil palm plantation area in 2016 is estimated to reach 11.67 hectares (ha). This amount consists of smallholder plantations covering an area of 4.76 million hectares, private plantations of 6.15 million hectares, and state plantations of 756 thousand hectares. And, now farmers, especially in my area, West Kalimantan are aggressively cultivating oil palm, and of course need palm oil seeds. Most people say that all oil palm seedlings are the same, the most important is good care, so the results are good, and there are still many who believe it, so that the oil palm they plant is a seed of origin,...